maths fun

I love maths because for me it is really easy, hard and challenging. It is cool because there are so many topics like algebra and many more. I’ve always loved maths and always will. I’m happy I know I haven’t heard of others but will in the future and the key to liking maths is to look at it in a fun way. For example darts if your opponent gets 70 points and you get 38 what numbers could have you got to get to 60.

One thought on “maths fun”

  1. Creativity Mrs W says:

    Thank you Calin for your writing about Maths. Great idea to look at Maths in a fun way – I will remember your advice when things start to get tricky. Have you ever played darts before? Remember to use more punctuation in your writing, like commas and parenthesis. Well done for getting involved today Calin 🙂

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