music music music music

I listen to music every day and the radio when i am in my bed room and in the living room .i listen to all day but not when i am at school. i listen to all sorts of music but most of the time it is pop and people speaking on the radio i have to listen to it as my dad puts it on i enjoy listening to it as it makes me have lots of feeling as it also makes me feel happy and calm i also like drawing to music as some times as it makes me what to never stop doing what i am doing .

I also really enjoy music as i love dancing to it as you when i am dancing i can express your feelings and you can dance to many different piece and it just makes me feel AMAZING and so so so happy.


my top two tunes
.scientist by coldplay
.girls like you

it makes me feel peaceful

One thought on “music music music music”

  1. Diana James says:

    Dear Kitty, thank you for sharing your writing on the Blog. I enjoy listening to the radio when I am working as it helps me concentrate. Sometimes, like your dad, I listen to Talk Radio. When you described how you love to dance to music as it expresses your feelings, I remembered how when I was a little girl, I’d love to dance. Never stop dancing Kitty. My tip for your writing would be to read it aloud again and just check that you have used a capital letter for I.
    Happy writing and happy dancing.
    Mrs James

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