Music is a Gift-by Michela and Bethany (Tatsfield Primary)

Music is attention-seeking,
It can make friends,
Strengthen bonds,
Bring back memories,
It is something almost everyone enjoys.
It can summon all emotions,
Anger, tears
Worries, fears
Happiness, friendship
Everyone enjoys it after a tiring,
Sleep-needing day.
We would be lost without it.
Music is a gift…

One thought on “Music is a Gift-by Michela and Bethany (Tatsfield Primary)”

  1. Rachel Orr says:

    Michela and Bethany,

    You are both so right about music being a gift. My Grandma always reminds me of a time when I was singing in a young singers event. She says the judge said singing was a gift and I should say thank you every day for it. I do just that. TreashORR your music, how it makes you feel and what you love about it. Make memORRies through music.

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