I skipped to school, the weight of my revenge on Alfonso off of my shoulders. “Hey, Lily! Get my message? I DID IT!” Sofia came up behind me, and I
Author: Learn Radio Live
AUTUMN by Bethany (10)AUTUMN by Bethany (10)
A polished conker falls from a tree, giant and vast, Under the amber, brown and saffron leaves, mushrooms sprout, Trekking through woods littered with fallen leaves and parched grass, an
Animal Conga by Bethany (10)Animal Conga by Bethany (10)
This is the animal conga- ONE herd of zebras leading the way, TWO wild dogs, covered in spots, THREE monkeys who love to play, FOUR river hogs starting to trot,
Octopus FussopussOctopus Fussopuss
“Ow!” I have just been poked by an octopus. I know it sounds cool, or so says everyone on the bus. But would you enjoy being poked by an octupus,
AUTUMN,by SachinAUTUMN,by Sachin
At Uncertain Times Usherings of conker collectors Mastering the art Never giving up
Acorns scattered all over the forest floor,squirrels working feverishly to collect them before winter comes. Umbrellas deflecting the crisp burnt orange leaves as they fall from the withered tree. Trekking
A Cricketer is injured,by SachinA Cricketer is injured,by Sachin
Erm, we are very sorry to tell Fajita National Cricket Team fans that their one and only captain has had a concussion from your worst nightmare. Bushik Horowitz fainted at
A whole in 67A whole in 67
After three long days,(that, at times, felt like three weeks) we finally have our new, golf champion . Mark Putter, the 25 year old former milkman has finally delivered. His
A Ride in the Field,by SachinA Ride in the Field,by Sachin
The tractor wheels trundle forward as the harvest produce is collected. Corn, fresh carrots and sapphire peas, all plastic wrapped and stamped ‘Tesco’. This is a farmer’s job, a person
A tractors tall tale.A tractors tall tale.
My wheels big and black. My paint work shiny. Blue as the ocean. I am ready for any terrain. As farmer Joe jumped in, we set off. I fired up