An explosion of noise from the engine, buzzers going off and instructions from Red 1 for the next manoeuvre, coming over the radio. Huge banks of lights and switches, all
Tag: Jamie
Look BeyondLook Beyond
We all wear clothes, coats and shoes. We might have glasses, scarves and ties. We all live behind brick walls and sometimes hide under duvets and blankets. It’s what’s inside
Mammal mathsMammal maths
1=A 11=K 21=U What is your favourite animal worth? 2=B 12=L 22=V What is the animal that is worth the highest? 3=C 13=M 23=W Can you find an animal that
One is never bored.One is never bored.
Arsenal supporter, Record holder, Kingdom ruler, Christmas speaker, Gloved waver, Corgi keeper.
Operation WhitecliffsOperation Whitecliffs
The sky was grey, a storm was brewing, the wind whipped, waves crashed against the rocks. Deep in the ship’s galley, the dastardly Dungslingers were deviously devising a dirty plan.
So, I have been with my doctor, my master and keeper, for what seems like ages. I thud up the bright, white corridors for hours every day seeing the same
Comfort for the soulComfort for the soul
Music can be like a blanket, warm, furry, and comforting. The lyrics wrap around you, enveloping you in words, verses, and choruses. Different singers, different styles , some making you
Don’t kid a kidder!Don’t kid a kidder!
This is a very important message to children everywhere! We all need to learn maths and know our numbers! Has a parent ever said to you, “I will swap you
A Hint of LightA Hint of Light
The days may have been long and dark, love ones lost and friends missed. Tables in schools sat empty and silent. The roundabouts and swings taped off, football just a
We all have times, in our lives, when we are sad and blue. When everything is getting too much and we don’t know what to do. Close your eyes and